CV117 - Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Jérôme Delgado
CV117 - Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Jérôme Delgado

CV117 - Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Jérôme Delgado

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Ciel variable 117 - Shifted (Summer 2021) 
Focus (Individual Article, Digital Version)

Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller
Correspondances et aventures livresques | Correspondence and Adventures in Book Form

- Jérôme Delgado

Four photographers, three books, two cousins, one prisoner: beyond the heterogeneous content discussed, Jérôme Delgado addresses correspondence as a source of creativity and building closeness among culturally, socially, or physically distant individuals. During the pandemic lockdown, photographer Alec Soth exchanged letters with C. Fausto Cabrera, who was literally locked down in a prison. The result of their epistolary dialogue became a book and two unusual images. For decades, photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti travelled to the Argentinian countryside to visit two cousins who, through images, became both her creative correspondents and the protagonists in their adventures. Photographers Araki Nobuyoshi and Juergen Teller, both of them drawn to flesh and to life, offer a purely visual dialogue. Their book testifies, as a correspondence would, to a deep friendship, mutual respect, and the passage of time.


Language : French and English
Digital Version : PDF, 3.4 Mb

Bibliographical Reference

Jérôme Delgado, « Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller - Correspondence and Adventures in Book Form », Ciel variable, no 117, Montréal, 2021, p. 46-52.


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